Adding social applications
Using AddThis and Social links
Social apps allow you to link to pages or profiles on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Add social apps to show your latest tweets, advertise your amazing Facebook-group or connect your LinkedIn-profile. Here, we tell you more about the AddThis field tray and using Social links in your header.
Step by step guide
Step 1: The Social section and AddThis block
In the Social section of the Add Content panel, you will find the AddThis block. This block allows you to add several social apps in a single field, and link to different social media.
Let's add the AddThis block and have a look:
Step 2: Using the block
Once the AddThis block is placed on your website canvas, you will see a number of share icons in your field tray. When your website is published, these buttons can be clicked to share your website on the respective social media.
To change these apps, click Settings in the left hand corner.
Step 3: Settings
Step 4: Social links
In your header, there is a social links field. This field differs from the social apps by linking the visitor to a specific social media outlet, while the social apps are used as sharing buttons.
Mouse over the header field and click the social media icons to edit your social links.
Step 5: Enter your links
In the Social links panel, enter the links to your different social media accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter. When clicked, these buttons will take your visitors to your different social media pages.
Click Done to apply.
Step 6: Advanced settings
In the Advanced panel, you can adjust the look of your icons.
Step 7: The result on your website
Once one or several social links have been added, these will appear as tiny icons in your header.
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