AddThis - Share via social media
With AddThis your visitors can share your website content via social media. Select which social media you would lika to use and how they should look on your website.
Step by step picture guide
Step 1 : Add the AddThis block
Step 2: Settings
Step 3: Placement
Click on settings to view side panel for this block.
Step 4: More settings
Step 5: AddThis profile ID
Enter your profile ID to gain statistics on AddThis. See below on how to create a profile ID.
Find your profile ID / Username
Step 1: Login / Create account
Create a new account with AddThis or login to your current account.
Step 2: Settings
Step 3: Profiles
Extra information and tips
Statistics on the "AddThis" feature
By creating an account with AddThis and link it to Page Picnic you can statistics over how, where and who shared the content on your website.
See what content is shared and that brings traffic to your website
See how visitors shares content
Detailed information about your visitors
Receive notifications when events occur
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