Using language support

Language support is a handy way to display your website in different languages. If you, for example, have both German and English speaking visitors, you can have separate versions of your website in two different languages. 

Please note: Language support does not translate the actual language of your text, unfortunately. You still need to do the translation yourself and publish your texts in the languages you wish to add.

Step by step guide

Step 1: Go to the Page Manager

Step 2: Click Language support

Step 3: Choose your default language

Use the drop-down menu to choose which language to set as default. This will be the language that visitors see when they enter your site. Choose your default language and then click Select as default language.

Step 4: Add a new language

Choose a new language from the drop-down menu. Then, select if your existing pages should be copied to the new language website or if you want to create the new language pages from scratch.  

Step 5: Edit your languages



Step 6: Different pages for different languages

Once you've added additional languages, these will be visible in the Page Manager. Click the flag symbols to switch between your different language pages.

Step 7: The language symbols

Added languages will appear as tiny symbols in the top right corner of your page. You can edit the position of these symbols by clicking and dragging them across your page.

Article was last updated: 2014-03-03

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